
I'm a 41 year old enterprise programmer, mostly Java, mostly back-end stuff. I do a fair bit of work in application security, dabble in data visualization stuff when I get an excuse to and opine at length whenever given the chance.

The name of the blog is from a quote from Ada Lovelace, widely seen as the world's first programmer :

"We might even invent laws for series or formula in an arbitrary manner, and set the engine to work upon them, and thus deduce numerical results which we might not otherwise have thought of obtaining; but this would hardly perhaps in any instance be productive of any great practical utility, or calculated to rank higher than as a philosophical amusement." - Ada Lovelace

I don't pretend this blog will be much more than a philosophical amusement, but I've been a programmer for the vast majority of my life and have dealt with IT, enterprise nonsense and security over the last twenty years - hopefully something of that experience may be worth passing on.

The image in the blog header is a word-edge graph of this 'about' post, at least as of the last time I ran the hacky Python script I tossed together quickly to produce it (via GraphML and Gephi, a fantastic data visualization tool). This makes this page somewhat meta, as it is talking about the image on this page but also generated from this page.
